Sunday, January 18, 2009


Well I didn't think I would but I survived the first week of school back.  It wasn't to bad.  It always takes me a couple of weeks to figure out my teachers and to get into a schedule of homework and such.  My math class really made me feel stupid this week.  I didn't pass the math test at the school and so I have to start with basic math.  So I sat here all week and started with adding and the subtraction and then multiplication and then division.  What a lovely week.  I spent it doing stuff I did in the 3rd grade.  It was really annoying and I was really frustrated.  I know it will get a little harder as we go along but it sure made me feel dumb having to do that all week.  O well. I guess I need it to get a degree.  
Isaac is doing so well.  He got his first shots this week.  I hate it when they just start screaming and screaming, but as soon as it's done he stopped screaming.  He was a bear for 2 days straight afterwards.  That made it hard for me to get all I needed to get done here.  Luckily he did really well this weekend while joe was at midwinter and I was able to catch up on all my laundry.  I am so glad.  I hate laundry but when you get behind it is the worst.  
Joey and Atalie are doing so well.  Joey is busy with school and now he has a book he has to read every night when he gets home.  He has been having a hard time learning how to read.  I think he would rather spend the time playing the wii.  I try to get him to do other things but he refuses and only wants to play the wii.  I finally have told him that he only gets 1 hour when he gets home to play the wii or watch tv and then he has to turn it off.  My only problem is I do other things when he gets home and I forget to tell him that he needs to turn it off and he usually gets another 30 minutes or so.  So I need to be more aggressive on that.  
Atalie I think is ready to do something else.  She loves being at home but I think that she is ready to hang out with some other kids during the week.  I think it will make things easier with me because then she won't bug Joey as much as she does when he comes home and she won't be all over me all the time.  Plus she won't be at home watching TV to much either.  It will just have to wait until next year when she can go to a preschool.  
My parents are still having a hard time finding someone to buy their house.  It is really starting to wear on my mom.  She is tired of being home by herself during the week and sometimes 2 weeks in a row.  Then she has my dad for 2 days and he comes back here.  Plus she hates the fact that my dad is with the kids watch Isaac grow and she is missing so much.  It has been really hard for her.  I just hope that God provides the person quickly.  I have been thinking so much about them moving lately and wondering why God choose this time for them to move in their life. A time when it is so hard to sell you house and it is so hard to find a job and that is exactly what is happening with my parents.  They are trying to sell the house and they haven't been sucessfull and then when my mom moves here she will have to try and find a job and I am worried she won't because of how bad the job market is right now.  It is just all these questions about why now and what is going to happen when really I should be celebrating the fact that God has sent my parents to me and that they will be in my children's lives.  Sometimes waiting on God gets frustrating and I need to realize that he is in control and he is working towards great things for us.  I just have a hard time remembering that.  Really hard time.  I know it will all be okay.  My mom is preparing for Rain.  Keeping the faith that God will send someone so she is keeping her house top notch.  Well this was long enough.  It was good writing somethings that I needed to get off my chest.  Goodnight to all. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm proud of you for going to are amazing! Keep it up! And the whole reading is hard, but he will get there. I think little boys just have a harder time focusing on things like that...they would rather play. Someday it will just click and he will get it. You're a good mom!
    I will be praying for you's a stressful time...lots to depend on God for and that is when we get the amazing chance to see Him move in our lives!!! We need to have a minister's wives night out or something!!
