Friday, April 17, 2009

Well this is long over due

Seriously I have thought millions of times that I wanted to post but I am so busy with school and taking care of the kids that when I do have time it isn't spent on the computer but relaxing reading a book or something. So I just thought I would catch you up on our crazy lives.
Joey is officially doing kindergarten again. I am really sad for him but I want him to do well in school and so I am supporting it wholeheartedly. I know that it will help him to do well in first grade. Especially because I was talking to a friend of mine today and she said that her 1st grader is doing what our kindergartens are doing today. Last year was only a half day and so they didn't learn as much as this year. So they will be doing different things in 1st grade next year. I really need to work on reading with Joey. I hate doing it because I read all the time and can't stand listening to people read who are slower than me. I just need some patience from God to get through this. I have 2 more children to go through this so I really need the patience.
Atalie is 3 years old and rotten. WOW. I love her so much but she is mouthy and attitude queen and so funny all in one bundle. She always has something to say, usually smart alect, and some days I GO crazy. Then there are other days I just snuggle up with her and love on her. She can be the sweetest girl ever. She always say I love you mom and you're my best friend. I just love hearing those things. She is very sweet to Isaac. Always loving on him and trying to soothe him when he is crying. It is so sweet. She is so excited about going to preschool next year and is talking about it everyday. I know it will be so good for her.
Isaac is my sweet baby. 5 months old and wonderful. I love him so much. He is chewing on everything. I think he is getting teeth because he is drooling all over. Who knows when they will come in, it could be months but it has started. He is rolling over now and talking all the time. Sometimes I swear that he says momma when he is ready to eat and crying going mommmamommmamommma. I know he probably isn't but it is so cute. Today he was making me laugh because he was sitting on Joe's lap and I walked by. He followed me with his eyes and when I walked out of his site he started to cry. Then I came back in and he cried as I walked by. As soon as I picked him up he smiled at me and then turned and looked at Joe and started laughing. It was really funny. He really is a momma's boy. He cries all the time when Joe holds him but not when I do. Hopefully it is a stage and he will get over it soon enough.
Joe is getting ready to go to Honduras. He is really excited about it. I know it will be great for him, but it will be the first time that we have ever been this far apart. So that will be crazy.
I am starting work in the fall. I got a job at central baptist church here in owasso. I am going to work at the preschool there. I think in the baby room or the 1 year old room. I am so excited. I just wanted some extra money for the kids to do things and so that is what it will go for. Plus I really wanted Atalie to go to preschool and I couldn't afford it other wise. It will be great. I am still going to school, but right now it is kicking my butt. I am exhausted from it and math is killing me. I am ready for the semester to end. It is so much harder to do school with Isaac here than I thought. He is a little to demanding for me to get things done. It is wearing me out. I am a little worried about next semester because I can't do online classes anymore, and so I have to go to school which I don't know what I will do with the kids. It is stressing me out a little bit and I am worried that I won't be able to finish. I have gone this far that I don't want to quit, but it is getting hard. I knew it would so I just need to tough it out and keep going. Once I am done it will be worth it.
Well we are all doing well. We had a great weekend 2 weeks ago where we all went to see Bedtime stories and had popcorn and pop. Then the next night the Plantarian had a night where if you brought in canned goods you could get into the Plantarian for free. I really enjoyed it, but I think it was a little over the kids heads. They still thought it was cool and they got to look at the moon through a telescope so that was neat. It was nice because we don't do that very often.
My parents have finally sold their house. They are looking for a house here in Owasso. They don't know what they are doing yet but they are working it out. Hopefully they will get everything settled in Iowa and then find someplace here in Owasso. I am so thankful to the Lord for sending the right person to buy the house. That is amazing. He is so good. I know this lady and her children will be able to use the house really well. It has such a nice yard for kids and a lot of space for all their things. It will be great. I am still a little sad that my "home" is gone. Even though it isn't the house but the family it still is sad. But I am so excited to have my parents so close to home. It will be great. I can't wait.
Well so far this is super long. I better be off to bed. Good night all and God bless.