Monday, January 26, 2009

It's Icy again.

Well it is icy again.  Oklahoma weather is so crazy.  I would rather have snow then all this ice.  It is so different than where I grew up.  O well.  Joey is so glad not to have school tomorrow.  He loves being out.  He makes me laugh.  Hopefully they have school on Wednesday though because they are supposed to have the 100th day of school this week.  Maybe we will practice counting to 100 tomorrow.  :)  So I am talking to my dear friend Amber on webcam right now.  It is so nice to have a webcam and be able to chat with her.  I think that is the hardest thing about graduating from college is moving away from some of the best friends I have ever made.  I miss Amber so much and all the fun we had while in Moberly.  It also is nice because our husbands were the ones who brought us together because they are best friends.  It is wonderful to have couples where we can hang out and never tire of each other.  Sure do miss that.  Wish she lived closer.  It is a bummer.  But at least I know that she is always there if I ever need her.  :)  Love you Amber.  :)  
Well tomorrow is a slow day.  I hope that I don't have school tomorrow night.  That would be awesome.  Well we will see.  The weather might be good to me tomorrow.  Goodnight to all.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Well I didn't think I would but I survived the first week of school back.  It wasn't to bad.  It always takes me a couple of weeks to figure out my teachers and to get into a schedule of homework and such.  My math class really made me feel stupid this week.  I didn't pass the math test at the school and so I have to start with basic math.  So I sat here all week and started with adding and the subtraction and then multiplication and then division.  What a lovely week.  I spent it doing stuff I did in the 3rd grade.  It was really annoying and I was really frustrated.  I know it will get a little harder as we go along but it sure made me feel dumb having to do that all week.  O well. I guess I need it to get a degree.  
Isaac is doing so well.  He got his first shots this week.  I hate it when they just start screaming and screaming, but as soon as it's done he stopped screaming.  He was a bear for 2 days straight afterwards.  That made it hard for me to get all I needed to get done here.  Luckily he did really well this weekend while joe was at midwinter and I was able to catch up on all my laundry.  I am so glad.  I hate laundry but when you get behind it is the worst.  
Joey and Atalie are doing so well.  Joey is busy with school and now he has a book he has to read every night when he gets home.  He has been having a hard time learning how to read.  I think he would rather spend the time playing the wii.  I try to get him to do other things but he refuses and only wants to play the wii.  I finally have told him that he only gets 1 hour when he gets home to play the wii or watch tv and then he has to turn it off.  My only problem is I do other things when he gets home and I forget to tell him that he needs to turn it off and he usually gets another 30 minutes or so.  So I need to be more aggressive on that.  
Atalie I think is ready to do something else.  She loves being at home but I think that she is ready to hang out with some other kids during the week.  I think it will make things easier with me because then she won't bug Joey as much as she does when he comes home and she won't be all over me all the time.  Plus she won't be at home watching TV to much either.  It will just have to wait until next year when she can go to a preschool.  
My parents are still having a hard time finding someone to buy their house.  It is really starting to wear on my mom.  She is tired of being home by herself during the week and sometimes 2 weeks in a row.  Then she has my dad for 2 days and he comes back here.  Plus she hates the fact that my dad is with the kids watch Isaac grow and she is missing so much.  It has been really hard for her.  I just hope that God provides the person quickly.  I have been thinking so much about them moving lately and wondering why God choose this time for them to move in their life. A time when it is so hard to sell you house and it is so hard to find a job and that is exactly what is happening with my parents.  They are trying to sell the house and they haven't been sucessfull and then when my mom moves here she will have to try and find a job and I am worried she won't because of how bad the job market is right now.  It is just all these questions about why now and what is going to happen when really I should be celebrating the fact that God has sent my parents to me and that they will be in my children's lives.  Sometimes waiting on God gets frustrating and I need to realize that he is in control and he is working towards great things for us.  I just have a hard time remembering that.  Really hard time.  I know it will all be okay.  My mom is preparing for Rain.  Keeping the faith that God will send someone so she is keeping her house top notch.  Well this was long enough.  It was good writing somethings that I needed to get off my chest.  Goodnight to all. 

Sunday, January 11, 2009


WOW this is great.  Check it out.  Love having whatever songs I want without Joe giving me a hard time.  :) 

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Once again...

I am waiting for Isaac to fall asleep.  He is so funny because he doesn't like to sleep in his bed unless he knows that Joe and I are laying in the bed next to him.  He knows he is alone and he hates it.  Babies are funny that way.  They sense things like how we are feeling or what is going on that we might not be aware of.  These are all the joys of being a mom.  I love it.  I love having Isaac here to cuddle and kiss.  Joey and Atalie love Isaac.  They are constantly asking if they can kiss him or hug him or hold him.  Atalie always says I love Isaac he is so cute.  It is so fun to see how they are acting with him.  I don't remember Joey being this way with Atalie.  He probably was a little bit but Atalie is more mature than Joey was at the age of 3 so that makes a difference. It has just been a different journey with Isaac.  I haven't quite hit the huge difference with having 3 children, mainly because Isaac only eats and sleeps.  When he starts moving around I think it will start affecting me.  :)  He already is growing so fast.  It always goes by so quick.  It makes me sad because I love the baby stage and holding them and hugging them and since Isaac is probably my last one I just am treasuring every minute I have with him.
So next week I start school again.  I am taking 15 hours this semester.  It seems like a lot but really I am only taking 12 all semester I just have 2 classes that are 8 weeks and one is at the beginning of the semester and the other starts in the middle of the semester.  I really hope it goes well.  I haven't taken math since I was in the 11th grade and so I am a little nervous about taking Math.  O well it will be okay.  I am excited about my American Sign Language class 2.  I  loved ASL 1 and I can't wait to start ASL2.  I just hope it goes well.  I sure wish I had someone to practice with because that would really help me do better and help me be a better interpreter.   I hope I can succeed in it.  Sometimes I don't have very good confidence in myself and that makes me scared and not want to finish something or start something.   I have a hard time stepping out of the box into my non comfort zone.  I know I need to just do it but it is hard for me.  Well I know I can do it I just have to keep pressing on.  Isaac is asleep.  Goodnight to all.  

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


So I can't make this very long but I just wanted to post this. Today was a wake up call for me in a huge way. Life is so short and sometimes you forget that when you go through your everyday lives. It is hard to remember it until something happens and you start to wonder if you might lose something you love so very much. Today I took Atalie to the doctor for her three year check up. She hasn't been sick and hasn't even been to the doctor since February of last year. The doctor was listening to her heartbeat for a long time and after she was done examining Atalie she said that Atalie's heartbeat was irregular. She said that a normal heart beat goes bump bump bump, but Atalies goes bump bump pause bumpbump really fast. She wanted to do an EKG on her heart and see what it said. So they brought the machine in and hooked Atalie up. It was hard for me to stand by her and watch her be hooked up to this machine not knowing what it was going to say and if everything would turn out ok. Of course you always think that worst and I just was thinking that I can't lose her she is so wonderful and I love her so much. So she finished the with the EKG and Dr. Galutia came in and said that she thinks everything is fine it is just an irregular heartbeat. She isn't concerned because the irregularities of the heartbeat are at regular intervals. They are going to have a pediatric cardiologist look at it but she isn't concerned. Thank goodness, but it really had me thinking. I was watching Atalie play and just loving every minute of it after the Doctor's visit and I thought this has got to be the hardest part of being a mom, letting go of your children. Not just when they get older and leave the home but letting them go in God's hands and knowing that he is taking care of them even if he chooses to take them to Heaven with him. That is something that I don't quite know if I will ever be prepared for. I think I will have to do a lot of praying over this. It was good for me to realize how much I do love my children. Sometimes I forget when I have spent every minute with them all day and I am just tired and want some peace and quiet, but they are so wonderful to me and I love being a mom.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Craziness in a trashcan!

Atalie and I were getting all ready to go and pick Joey up from school when the doorbell rang. Thinking it was just another jehovah's witness or something I didn't rush to open the door. When I looked through the peep hole there was a women standing in my lawn talking on the phone. I was thinking did Callie my dog get loose? Well I opened the door and she didn't even look up at me. I had to walk out to her. She finally saw me and said your trashcan is on fire. I turned around and sure enough my trashcan not even a foot from the garage door was already melted down half way and up in flames. I was in shock. She was on the phone with the fire department and asked for my address. I gave it to her. About that time another man stopped by and asked if I had a hose. Well since Callie chewed up my hose I haven't bought a new one and therefore I don't have one. He asked about an empty trashcan. Since Joe and I are hillbillies and keep tons of crap on our front porch I happened to have an empty trashcan on my front porch. We filled it with water and the man named Neil threw water on the fire until it went out. Then the fire department showed up at the house. They just picked through the trash to make sure it would start again and sprayed some water on it then they left. It was very crazy. I couldn't believe that the trashcan was on fire. Joe threw some ashes from our fire place that were still hot in the trashcan. That is why it started on fire. Well it was nuts but I am so thankful for Jill who stopped. She said cars were just driving by looking at the trash can but not stopping. She was a blessing and God sent her by my house so that the rest of the house wouldn't catch fire. Thank you Lord. I am also so thankful for Neil who stopped by and was smart enough to throw water on it. My head stopped working and since we had called the fire department I didn't think that I should do anything but of course I should have thrown water on it. God sent Neil my way also. Praise the Lord. He takes care of us even when we are least expecting it. Thank you Jesus.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Waiting for Isaac to fall asleep.

So I have been thinking about starting a blog for a couple of days.  I thought it would be a great way for me to write about my life and how I am feeling.  I also want a place to post pictures of my family and the things we do together so other's can see how we are growing and read about what we are up to.  
Right now I am sitting in my living room watching the food network (what a surprise) waiting for my newest little one to fall asleep.  He loves to be awake from 10-2 in the morning.  He is so funny.  Sometimes it takes forever for him to fall asleep and he will cry and cry.  Last night he did well sleeping in his own bed but woke up every 2 hours.  O well.  I love being a mom and getting up in the middle of the night is worth every minute.  :)  
Atalie and Joey are doing so well.  Joey is not looking forward to going back to school after 2 weeks off for Christmas.  He loves being home and playing his video games.  Sometimes it is so hard to get him away from them and go play with the other million toys he got for Christmas.  :)  I haven't tried to hard since it is break and I figure let him play all he wants and make some rules after he goes back to school.  
Atalie has started throwing fits a lot lately.  It has been really frustrating.  I get really annoyed when she cries because she didn't get to take a shower or go somewhere with me.  She just has hit that stage and it is so hard to get through this time.  I know she is three and it is part of life but really why do they have to do the fit thing.  GRRRRRRR 
Joe is working really hard at the church.  They just got occupancy for the new youth building at FCC.  It is so amazing.  He has worked really hard to get it all ready for Sunday.  I know it will look awesome Sunday morning.  I can't wait to be there.  It will be great.  We are so busy with church that it is very rare for Joe and I to take time for ourselves.  I seem to get frustrated that we don't take the time to go out on a date except for the special occasions like Valentine's day.  Maybe that is something that we need to work on for the year 2009.  Getting to know you spouse more.  That should be my revolution.  Not that I ever keep them.  Well Isaac now thinks he is hungry.  So much for him sleeping.  I am off to feed him.  Goodnight all.