Monday, January 5, 2009

Craziness in a trashcan!

Atalie and I were getting all ready to go and pick Joey up from school when the doorbell rang. Thinking it was just another jehovah's witness or something I didn't rush to open the door. When I looked through the peep hole there was a women standing in my lawn talking on the phone. I was thinking did Callie my dog get loose? Well I opened the door and she didn't even look up at me. I had to walk out to her. She finally saw me and said your trashcan is on fire. I turned around and sure enough my trashcan not even a foot from the garage door was already melted down half way and up in flames. I was in shock. She was on the phone with the fire department and asked for my address. I gave it to her. About that time another man stopped by and asked if I had a hose. Well since Callie chewed up my hose I haven't bought a new one and therefore I don't have one. He asked about an empty trashcan. Since Joe and I are hillbillies and keep tons of crap on our front porch I happened to have an empty trashcan on my front porch. We filled it with water and the man named Neil threw water on the fire until it went out. Then the fire department showed up at the house. They just picked through the trash to make sure it would start again and sprayed some water on it then they left. It was very crazy. I couldn't believe that the trashcan was on fire. Joe threw some ashes from our fire place that were still hot in the trashcan. That is why it started on fire. Well it was nuts but I am so thankful for Jill who stopped. She said cars were just driving by looking at the trash can but not stopping. She was a blessing and God sent her by my house so that the rest of the house wouldn't catch fire. Thank you Lord. I am also so thankful for Neil who stopped by and was smart enough to throw water on it. My head stopped working and since we had called the fire department I didn't think that I should do anything but of course I should have thrown water on it. God sent Neil my way also. Praise the Lord. He takes care of us even when we are least expecting it. Thank you Jesus.

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