Wednesday, January 7, 2009


So I can't make this very long but I just wanted to post this. Today was a wake up call for me in a huge way. Life is so short and sometimes you forget that when you go through your everyday lives. It is hard to remember it until something happens and you start to wonder if you might lose something you love so very much. Today I took Atalie to the doctor for her three year check up. She hasn't been sick and hasn't even been to the doctor since February of last year. The doctor was listening to her heartbeat for a long time and after she was done examining Atalie she said that Atalie's heartbeat was irregular. She said that a normal heart beat goes bump bump bump, but Atalies goes bump bump pause bumpbump really fast. She wanted to do an EKG on her heart and see what it said. So they brought the machine in and hooked Atalie up. It was hard for me to stand by her and watch her be hooked up to this machine not knowing what it was going to say and if everything would turn out ok. Of course you always think that worst and I just was thinking that I can't lose her she is so wonderful and I love her so much. So she finished the with the EKG and Dr. Galutia came in and said that she thinks everything is fine it is just an irregular heartbeat. She isn't concerned because the irregularities of the heartbeat are at regular intervals. They are going to have a pediatric cardiologist look at it but she isn't concerned. Thank goodness, but it really had me thinking. I was watching Atalie play and just loving every minute of it after the Doctor's visit and I thought this has got to be the hardest part of being a mom, letting go of your children. Not just when they get older and leave the home but letting them go in God's hands and knowing that he is taking care of them even if he chooses to take them to Heaven with him. That is something that I don't quite know if I will ever be prepared for. I think I will have to do a lot of praying over this. It was good for me to realize how much I do love my children. Sometimes I forget when I have spent every minute with them all day and I am just tired and want some peace and quiet, but they are so wonderful to me and I love being a mom.

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