Saturday, February 7, 2009


Well I sure enjoyed the beautiful weather God gave us today. It amazes me that we are in February and it is 70 outside. Seriously, that isn't even possible in Iowa. :) HA HA. This week was a different week. I think I am still getting all my hormones back together after having Isaac. Somedays I was in a great mood and loved the day then the next I was just in the mood to lay around and not do anything. I don't know why I just was. I tried doing different things, like taking Atalie to Chick fil a to play and eat there, and that helped. I really think I need to make a goal of leaving my house and doing something fun for one day a week. That way Atalie has fun and so do I. I can't spend all my time sitting at home doing nothing.
On a happier note, I signed Atalie up for soccer. She is so excited. I thought that way she will get to meet other girls and have some excerise in the process. She doesn't get out much except to church and I want her to be around other people. She has wanted to play since I signed Joey up for Flag Football in the fall but she wasn't old enough. So I told her when she turned three she could play. So I hope she likes it. We will see how she does. She is only 3 so it is mainly for her to get out and do something. (of course)
Isaac is getting so big. He is laughing all the time now. The other night I was sitting by him on the couch and I kept saying "boo" to him and everytime I did that he would burst out laughing really loud. He is so cute. He loves it when you talk to him and he won't stop smiling if you continue to talk to him. He is the sweetest baby. He also is sleeping pretty well through the night. He goes to bed around 11:30ish and then wakes up anywhere between 5-9 depending on the night. So that is WONDERFUL. A little more sleep for me and a schedule for him. YEAH.
Joey is having a rough time. He was exhausted this week and didn't want to do anything, including going to school. Plus the fact that I talked to his teacher for Parent/teacher conference this week and she said that she doesn't think Joey should go to the first grade that he should stay back in Kindergarten one more year. I knew it was coming because I see him struggle everyday just doing his homework, but it is still hard to hear. He just isn't getting his letters and isn't reading well, and can't sit during group time. I know that it is a struggle for him and I know that his maturity level isn't where the other boys are and he should stay back I just feel bad for him. I know in the end it is probably better for him and I will make it as pleasant as possible for him, but still it doesn't make it any easier. It will be okay. I know it will and Joey will do great. He just needs some extra time. Well it is time to make some pizza, yumo!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. You are a great mom and it is tough somedays and crazy fun the next! I know you will make the right decision about Joey. If you ever need to chat...come on over!
